[Archived] Contract



In the interest of sound labor-management relations, the HOA and the University agree to meet at agreed-upon dates and times for the purpose of discussing the matters described in the paragraph below and to permit the parties to leverage the expertise and insight of House Officers in ways relevant to quality improvement across the University of Michigan Health System. The Labor-Management Committee shall be comprised of representatives from the University of Michigan Health System and representatives from the HOA Board, unless otherwise agreed to for purposes of specific meetings.


Generally, Labor-Management Committee meetings will be held on a quarterly basis, unless urgent matters require additional meetings. Special consideration will be given to House Officers schedules to promote attendance, which could include evening or early morning meetings in the hospital buildings. Either party may request an LMC meeting if a recurring or an emergency meeting is needed. At a reasonable time in advance of LMC meetings, the parties shall exchange agendas, including discussion topics described with sufficient specificity to allow the parties to prepare for such discussions, and lists of the names of persons who will attend. Subjects that may be discussed at these meetings shall include, but are not limited to, the following subjects:

  1. Implementation and administration of the collective bargaining agreement (excluding matters covered by a grievance or other legal proceeding);
  2. Changes which might affect bargaining unit members;
  3. Information of general interest to the parties;
  4. HOA representatives' opportunity to share the concerns of their members and/or to make suggestions on subjects of interest to their members;
  5. Quality improvement;
  6. Institutional compliance with all regulatory and statutory requirements; and
  7. Discussion of topics referred to the LMC by other Articles of this Agreement.


If necessary, LMC will refer issues to appropriate standing committees for follow-up and resolution. When a standing committee is unable to address the issue in a timely manner, or does not believe it should pursue an issue, a small working group of LMC may process the issue and develop further data to be presented to the standing committee. In such a case, LMC can empower the work group via funding, support, etc. to complete the task to resolution.


When issues of mutual concern regarding House Officer education emerge, unless specifically addressed elsewhere, they are to be referred to the GME Committee or other appropriate forum. As these matters arise, LMC will work closely with GME to ensure that at least one of the HOA representatives on the GMEC can attend the GMEC. In addition, the HOA members of the GMEC will give a quarterly report at the GMEC meeting on issues discussed in LMC concerning House Officer education. In order to facilitate this process, at least one HOA representative from the GMEC will also participate in the LMC.


At the conclusion of discussion of each agenda topic, the parties will identify appropriate channels for communicating status reports and designate the party responsible for follow up. The parties will provide each other responses to items discussed at LMC meetings within thirty (30) days of the meeting, unless the parties mutually agree to a different timeframe. The parties will maintain minutes from each meeting.


In an effort to support follow up and resolution of issues, the Employer pledges $30,000 annually which can be distributed by mutual agreement of the HOA President and Director of Labor Relations. Unspent funds will not carry over from year to year.

For The Regents of The University of Michigan

Michelle Sullivan

The University of Michigan House Officers Association

Dr. Meg Smith

Dr. Victoria Hoch