[Archived] Contract


The Employer will provide sleep facilities that are safe, quiet and available and accessible to residents and fellows to support education and safe patient care. The Employer shall make a bed available (not on the ground) for every House Officer needing to remain overnight. To this end, not less than seventy-six (76) on-call rooms, with telephones and lockable doors, which accommodate not more than two (2) individuals per room, except that one room will accommodate not more than three (3), will be provided. The number of beds per room can be modified by mutual agreement between the Employer and the Association. Bunk beds may be added in specified on-call rooms by mutual agreement between the Association and the Employer at Association request. Ladders for bunk beds shall be provided. Lockable bins with built-in locks shall be provided in the on-call rooms to protect the personal property of the House Officers. A computer with access to the Health System information system shall be installed in each call room.