House Officers Association Constitution
In order to preserve and maintain our interests as individuals, employees and association members, the House Officer physicians employed by the Regents of the University of Michigan join together in this professional association, which is called The University of Michigan House Officers Association.
The objects of this Association are as follows:
Section 1.
To unite into one labor organization all House Officer physicians employed by the Regents of the University of Michigan.
Section 2.
To improve and maintain excellent standards of patient care.
Section 3.
To negotiate and administer collective bargaining agreements with the University of Michigan to insure benefits and conditions appropriate to the services performed by the House Officers. These benefits and conditions include, but are not limited to salary, health, life and disability insurance, vacation, holiday, working conditions and patient care; and work hours.
Section 4.
To provide services to the membership so as to encourage professional and collegial relationships among House Officers.
Section 1.
The University of Michigan House Officers Association is an independent professional labor association. Subject to prior approval by the Board and by the membership, the House Officers Association may affiliate with other associations to further the best interests of the entire membership. Approval of any such affiliation requires: first, approval by a minimum of Board members; and, second, approval by a majority of Association members voting by secret ballot following reasonable notice of such vote.
Section 2.
The Association headquarters will be at or in the vicinity of the University of Michigan Hospital facility where the greatest numbers of members work.
Section 1.
All interns, residents, and fellows possessing M.D., D.O. or D.D.S. degrees and who are employed by the Regents of the University of Michigan are eligible for membership in the Association.
Section 2.
Yearly membership dues are 0.5% (½ percent) of your annual salary, paid in ten equal payments from September through June.
Section 3.
Residents and Fellows are members of the House Officers Association. A member who chooses not to pay dues through contractual dues payroll deduction must remit each periodic dues payment directly to the Association within 7 days after issuance of the applicable monthly paycheck.
Section 4.
A member who elects not to remit dues is considered a non-dues paying member of the Association.
Section 5.
Any dues increase or special assessment requires prior approval by secret ballot by a majority of voting members following reasonable advance notice to all members of such secret ballot.
Section 1.
The President will determine the date and location of any membership meeting.
Section 2.
The President is authorized to call a special membership meeting. Also, the President will call a special membership meeting when so directed by a majority vote of the entire Executive Board or upon written request of 20% of the membership.
Section 3.
The Association will provide reasonable advance notice of all regular and special membership meetings in order to encourage and facilitate membership participation.
Section 4.
The President, or in their absence, the Vice-President will preside overall membership meetings.
Section 5.
The Secretary or designate will make a record of the proceedings at membership meetings. In their absence, the President will designate a member to make a record of the proceedings.
Section 6.
Unless otherwise provided, Robert’s Rules will govern membership meetings.
Section 1.
The Officers of the Association are the Executive Board, President, President Elect, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Executive Board is the highest decision-making body of the Association between meetings of the entire Board and membership.
Section 2.
(1) The President will preside over all Association meetings. They will be the Chairperson of the Executive Board. The President will be the official spokesperson for the Association.
(2) The President will be the chief executive officer of the Association and will have the power to carry out and effectuate the business of the Association subject to approval of the Executive Board.
(3) The President will interpret the Constitution subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
(4) The President may retain professional personnel as necessary to assist in the operation of the Association. Further, subject to approval of the Executive Board, the President may employ an administrator to carry out the day-to-day operations of the Association and other personnel as necessary.
(1) The President-Elect will engage with the President and be a member of the Executive Board to ensure to the best of their ability a smooth transition from year to year. The President-Elect may also hold another Board position.
(2) They will endeavor to provide continuity between incoming and outgoing Boards as they assume the position of President for the next appointment year.
(3) The President-Elect will assume the duties of the President in the event that the President is unable to perform their duties for any reason.
Section 3.
(1) In addition to serving as an Executive Board Member, the Vice-President will serve as Membership Coordinator and meeting Parliamentarian.
(2) The Vice-President will perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President.
Section 4.
(1) The Secretary will cause a record to be made of the proceedings of the Board meetings and the proceedings of membership meetings. The Secretary, via the administrator, will provide the record of such proceedings to the Board.
(2) The Secretary, via the administrator, will maintain an up-to-date list of all Association members and will supervise custody over the books, records and papers of the Association. The Secretary will oversee and be responsible for the notice and conduct of all Association voting. The administrator will assist, as necessary, to ensure that the duties of the Secretary are carried out.
Section 5.
(1) The Treasurer, with assistance from the administrator, will oversee the financial records of the Association. They will supervise the maintenance of accurate records of all Association expenditures and the collection of all Association dues. The expenditures on behalf of the Association will be reviewed by and be subject to the approval of the Executive Board.
(2) The Treasurer will cause all Association accounts and taxes to be reviewed/prepared annually by a certified public accountant.
Section 6.
(1) The Representatives will assist in the administration of the collective bargaining agreement, in the governance of the Association, and in addressing the problems of members.
(2) The Representatives will perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President and work with the administrator on special projects.
Section 1.
The Board will consist of the four or five Officers (Executive Board) and the ten Representatives. The Board will have the power to appoint all Association committees and to exercise supervision over all the activities of the Association.
Section 2.
The Board and administrator will stand ready to assist in addressing the problem of any Association member and will be available for consultation with any member. The Board will have final authority to address all matters involving grievances under the collective bargaining agreement with the University.
Section 3.
Regular meetings of the Board will be held monthly. Special meetings of the Board will be called by the President at their discretion or when so directed by four members of the Board.
The President or their designee will provide reasonable notice of all meetings of the Board. Eight members of the Board will constitute a quorum. Each Board member has one vote.
Section 4.
A Board member who is unable to attend a regular or special call meeting of the Board may participate in any action requiring a Board approval by telephonic, written or electronic communication.
Section 5.
The Board will approve or ratify expenditures required for operation of the Association or necessary to promote the legitimate objectives of the Association. Major business or financial decisions affecting the Association will be subject to prior approval by the Board.
Section 6.
Unless otherwise provided, Roberts Rules will govern Executive Board meetings.
Section 1.
If the office of President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary and/or Treasurer becomes vacant for any reason, the Board in regular or special session will appoint a member in good standing to such office for the balance of the term.
Section 2.
If the office of a Representative becomes vacant for any reason, the President will appoint, subject to approval by the Board, a member in good standing to fill such office for the balance of the term.
Section 1.
All checks issued by the Association must be signed by two of the Principal Officers and or the administrator.
Section 2.
The Executive Board, the administrator, and any other person who handles funds or property of the Association will be covered by a fiduciary bond in an amount not less than 10% of the Association's assets at the close of its preceding fiscal year.
Section 3.
Any Officer or Board member performing authorized services for the Association will be reimbursed by the Association for necessary, reasonable and properly documented expenses incurred in the performance of such services.
Section 4.
In recognition of the Board's responsibilities and time commitments, the Board may authorize the payment of a stipend to Officers on an annual basis.
Further, in recognition of the Negotiating Committee's responsibilities and time commitments, the Board may authorize payment of a stipend consistent with past practice and taking into account the amount of time required by Negotiating Committee members.
Section 5.
An Investment Policy Statement will be drafted and approved by the Executive Board each Academic year, following an Investment Review by the designated portfolio advisor(s).
The Executive Board and administrator are responsible for ensuring the financial security of the Association's assets, allowing for minimal risk in asset allocations of the first $500,000.
Section 1.
Officers will be elected by secret electronic ballot of the membership. All Members in good standing are eligible for office.
Section 2.
Terms of office for all Officers and Representatives will be 1 year beginning July 1st of each year and ending June 30th of the succeeding year.
Section 3.
The Secretary will be responsible for developing and administering procedures for a fair, democratic and orderly election of Officers and Representatives in compliance with this Constitution. They may seek assistance from the administrator as deemed necessary by the Board.
Section 4.
Not less than 30 days prior to June 1, notice of nominations and elections will be provided to all members. The notice will set forth the guidelines and the schedule for nominations and the election. Nominations will be open for at least 14 days and elections for 3 days.
Section 5.
Any member may declare themself a candidate for office or nominate any other member for office. Such declaration/nomination must be submitted by written hard copy or electronically sent to the Association headquarters. Before the close of nominations, each nominee must submit by written hard copy or email acceptance of the nomination to the Association headquarters. A candidate may be nominated for President-Elect and another Board position to further promote continuity from year to year.
Section 6.
Not less than 7 days prior to June 1, an electronic ballot containing all duly nominated candidates for office will be provided to each member. If there is more than one candidate for a Principal Office, such candidates will be listed alphabetically. If there are more than ten candidates for Representative, such candidates will be listed alphabetically. If there is not more than one candidate running for an office or as a Representative, the candidate is duly elected by virtue of being unopposed. If a slate of candidates runs unopposed, no election is necessary.
Section 7.
Electronic ballots will be counted at the close of voting. Candidates for the offices of President-Elect, Vice- President, Secretary and Treasurer will be elected by a plurality of valid votes cast for each office (i.e., the candidate with the most votes wins the election for each office). The ten candidates for Representative with the highest total of valid votes cast win the election.
Section 8.
During the transition period, after the election, and prior to July 1, each outgoing Officer will acquaint their successor with the functions of the office and will deliver to the Association all books, papers and other property of the Association that may be in their possession.
Section 1.
A Negotiating Committee of at least six members will be established in advance of any complete or partial re-opening of the collective bargaining agreement. Each Officer will automatically be a member of the Negotiating Committee, provided they are willing and able to serve in that capacity.
Section 2.
No less than four months prior to such contract re-opener, members will be notified of the opportunity to apply to serve on the Negotiating Committee. The Board will appoint sufficient member applicants as required to establish the Negotiating Committee.
Section 3.
The Chair of the Negotiating Committee will be elected by the members of the Negotiating Committee.
Section 4.
The Negotiating Committee will serve until negotiations have concluded and a collective bargaining agreement has been approved by the Executive Board and ratified by the membership.
All collective bargaining agreements negotiated between the Association and the Regents of the University of Michigan must be approved by the Executive Board and must be ratified by a majority of members voting by secret ballot. The Secretary will ensure that all members receive notice of the terms of the proposed collective bargaining agreement and a reasonable opportunity to cast a secret ballot vote for or against the proposed collective bargaining agreement.
Section 1.
Any member/employee represented by the Association who believes their rights or interests have been injured by the acts or omissions of any agent or officer of the Association has a right to have their complaint heard and decided by the Executive Board of the Association.
Section 2.
The complaining member will reduce their complaint to writing no later than 30 days after they knew or reasonably should have known of the facts giving rise to the complaint. The complaint will be submitted by written hard copy or email to the Association headquarters.
Section 3.
The President or their designee will review and investigate any such complaint. As soon as reasonably practicable, and no later than 60 days after receipt of any such written complaint, the complainant will have an opportunity to be heard before the Executive Board provided the complaint has not been resolved.
Section 4.
The Executive Board will treat any complainant in a manner that is fair and impartial. Within a reasonable time after a complainant appears before the Executive Board, the Board will provide the complainant with a written disposition of their complaint.
Section 5.
Each member has an obligation to utilize the procedures available in this Constitution in order to give the Association an opportunity to investigate, evaluate and resolve complaints regarding the acts or omissions of Officers and/or agents of the Association.
Section 1.
This Constitution may be amended as set forth in this Article, provided such amendment is consistent with the Purpose and Objects of the Association.
Section 2.
A proposed amendment signed by 10% of the membership may be introduced at any regular meeting of the Board. The Board also may originate a proposed amendment to this Constitution. The Board will determine if the proposed amendment qualified as consistent with the Purpose and Objects of the Association.
Section 3.
A copy of any proposed and qualified amendment, together with the recommendation of the Executive Board, will be provided to all members at least 30 days prior to the next membership meeting. The membership will vote on such proposed amendment at the membership meeting or, alternatively, by secret ballot contemporaneous with the membership meeting.
Section 4.
The proposed amendment will take effect upon approval by a majority of the voting members.