
Late or Missing Reimbursements?

If you are owed a reimbursement and it has either been processed late or not processed at all, reach out to the HOA.

We have heard some reports of members who are receiving reimbursements late even though they turned in all required paperwork in a timely manner. If this applies to you, please reach out to the HOA through the Help Button on the website. 

When you do make sure to let us know:

  • The date of the expense, we are primarily looking for examples since January 1, 2024.
  • The date you submitted the expense to your proper delegate along with any documentation you can provide.
  • Whether this is a travel reimbursement or a Step 3 reimbursement.

Please alert the HOA by May 31, 2024. We are actively working to see what assistance we can provide to anyone this applies to.