Time Off for Religious Observances

You have rights under the HOA contract if you have a religious observance that is not one of our current paid holidays.

If you would like to observe a religious holiday that is not on the current list of paid holidays in the contract, you still have the ability to get that time off without using your leave banks.

Paragraph 70 of the contract states the Employer will "make every effort" to honor religious requirements for holidays.

House Officers must request the time for religious observances 60 days before the event. The 60-day lead time is important because:

  1. The Department should arrange your schedule so that your regular release days for that rotation fall on the observed holiday. This will protect you from needing to utilaize vacation or other leave time.
  2. If it is impossible for the Department to schedule around your observance, you may still use vacation or a personal day to get the time off.
  3. Remember: the 60-day requirement is there, so the Department can try to meet your needs with regular release time. If you feel they have unreasonably denied a religious observance, please contact the HOA.

Official Contract Language

70 - In addition, the Employer shall make every effort to honor the requests for the religious requirements by House Officers for observances of religious holidays. House Officers shall make such requests not less than sixty (60) calendar days in advance of the religious observance.