Exit Information For House Officers

Helpful information for those who will be departing residency at the University of Michigan at the end of the academic year.

Congratulations, on this significant milestone in your life!  If you have any questions not addressed below, please don’t hesitate to contact the HOA staff.


Cobra Benefits:

COBRA is retroactive to your FIRST day of unemployment.  However, it is not automatic and you cannot sign up online.

Please read our FAQ on COBRA and for more information. Please also see the UM HR page on COBRA.


UH South Wellness Center Membership:

If you are leaving UM, remember to cancel your membership to the UH South Wellness center.  Cancellations are done vie email: uhsouthcancellation@med.umich.edu


Make Appointments and Fill Prescriptions:

In your contract, you are allowed paid time off for preventative care (8 hours) and an additional personal day, which can be taken in half-day increments.  Make your appointments as soon as possible.  

For Rx:  Fill all prescriptions before you lose coverage.  There may be an elimination period before you have access to your new benefits.


Disability Insurance:  

You can elect to make your HOA plan portable for coverage once you leave.  You will have 60 days after your appointment ends to make this election.  Mike Flynn will be in the HOA Lounge on the 3rd Friday of the month through June. Ready to apply? Complete this form to request the electronic application.

For the University of Michigan-HOA Disability Plan details, see your page at UM HOA Disability Plan.


Liability (Malpractice) Insurance:

Your next employer will require proof of coverage. Visit the HOA’s website for a copy of the generic letter.   If additional years are being requested, please specify which years you require.


Accounts and Savings Plans:

Flex Accounts:  Medical accounts can be maintained with your COBRA insurance, but Childcare accounts cannot be maintained.  

Savings Plan:  If you participated in the SRA through Fidelity/TIAA CREF, you will need to contact the company directly for information on your accounts.  The University has nothing to do with this, as it is an individual program not co-funded (matched) by University funds.

Fidelity SRA Investment Questions:

http://www.fidelity.com/atwork or call Fidelity at 1-800-343-0860.

TIAA CREF SRA Investment Questions:

http://www.tiaa-cref.org or call TIAA at 1-800-842-2776.


Return These Things Before You Leave:

Keys and ID: Return all keys, IDs (Umich and VA), to your program administrator or designated person and “rag out” your white coats to the Lab Coat Room (Taubman B2001).  Please don’t leave your coats in the HO Lounge.

Parking Passes:  House Officers who have terminated employment with the University or no longer need their parking option remain responsible for full payment (both employee portion and university contribution) of the option until it is returned to Parking Services.


Please direct questions and comments to Parking Customer Service at 734-764-8291

Email: UMPark@UMich.edu

To return your AVI device:

  1. Stop by the LPTS Office located on the 2nd floor of University Hospital South.
  2. Use the drop box provided in the Security Services/Lost and Found area at UH.