House Officer Lactation Spaces
Locations and access instructions for the lactation spaces the HOA has provided to house officers.
House Officer Only Lactation Rooms
The HOA has converted two spaces for House Officer only lactation, one in University Hospital and one in the C&W call suite. The rooms have keypad locks and are equipped with workstations, telephones, breast pumps, and refrigerators.
- University Hospital: 4A 4101
- C&W: 3-354
Please call the HOA Office X69205 or use the Help Button link to obtain the code to either lock. Please let us know if either room is not being cleaned by EVS.
Mamava Lactation Pod
House Officer Lounge
There is a Mamava Solo located in the HOA Lounge (UH2-F208). The unit was paid for through a gift from the Michigan Medicine Alumni Society and HOA funds. The Mamava provides a private space within the HOA lounge for house officers to pump. There is an electrical outlet for your breast pump, and a USB port to charge your phone.
To unlock the pod, download the Mamava app. If the app is not working, or you prefer not to use it, ask Robin or Steve for the code. Please also let them know if the pod needs to be cleaned. Use the Help Button to send a message if they are not in the office.

Other Lactation Rooms
House Officers have access to many of the other action rooms available on campus and in other Michigan Medicine buildings. Please see the Human Resources website for a complete list and details.
Lactation Room Locations Across Campus
Contract Language
For reference, the portion of the Collective Bargaining Agreement related to lactation:
¶156 - The Employer and the Association support providing the resources for continued breastfeeding upon return to work, in UM Health facilities, consistent with the requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act of 2022. Where spaces exist for faculty or staff for the primary purpose of expressing breast milk, House Officers will have access to those spaces for the purpose of expressing breast milk. A list and map of such spaces will be maintained on the Work/Life Resource Center website. If no such space exists within a five (5) minute walking distance to the House Officer's assigned work site, the Department for the House Officer's assigned rotation will make a reasonable effort to designate an appropriate temporary space for the purpose of expressing breast milk. House Officers who have a need to express milk shall have convenient access to refrigeration so that breast milk may be stored. Requests for added locations where refrigeration is required will be brought to the Labor Management Committee.
¶157 - Any House Officer that will require use of lactation support services provided by the Employer will communicate their anticipated needs to their Program Director. All efforts will be made to provide reasonable break time for the House Officer to express breast milk for their nursing child for one year after the child's birth each time such Employee has need to express milk.