
Parking is Strictly Enforced

Know the violations so you can avoid a costly ticket!

The regulations are in force throughout the calendar year except for:

  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day and the following day
  • Christmas through New Year’s Day

Parking enforcement issues can be reported by calling (734) 763-1131.

If you would like to appeal a parking citation, a City of Ann Arbor parking referee is available to hear your complaint. Parking violation payment options are listed on the City of Ann Arbor website.

Enforced Violation Rates

ViolationCurrent RatesIf paid by the next business day
Expired Meter$40$30
Parked over 48-hour legal limit$40$30
No parking here to corner$40$30
No parking any time$40$30
No parking between signs$40$30
No stopping or standing$40$30
Loading zone$40$30
Bus stop$40$30
Double Parking$40$30
Within 15 feet of fire hydrant$40$30
Parked on walk$40$30
Left to curb$40$30
Blocking driveway$40$30
Blocking crosswalks$40$30
Blocking traffic$40$30
Accessible parking without proper permit$100$90
Over 12 inches from curb$40$30
No permits U of M lots$75$65
Motorcycles only$40$30
Parked upon or across line$50$40
No parking fire lane$100$90
U of M vehicles only$40$30
No parking in driveway$40$30