Pavilion Pitfalls
MM Administration ignores House Officer work environment in new hospital design.
Unfortunately, history often repeats itself, no matter how hard we try to avoid the same pitfalls. For 10 years the HOA has heard numerous complaints related to the lack of dedicated House Officer workspaces in the C&W. Why is there no space similar in size and scope to the HOA's "Lounge" in UH? It is not for the lack of trying! The HOA has been advocating for space in the C&W since it opened in 2011 and had high hopes for a better outcome in the new hospital, which is slated to open in November 2025.

For more than a year, the HOA was told that the CIT project, now named the Pavilion, was on hold. Once the name was announced, we assumed design activities had resumed. Just this month the Association appointed two representatives to the project team. Our representatives were shocked when they were told the design phase was already complete, thus the union's concern for our future members and their work environment. Current areas are woefully underprepared for residents. The current design is the same one the HOA was shown in March of 2020, and this was confirmed as being accurate by Chief Operating Officer, Tony Denton. The design wasn't adequate then, and it certainly isn't adequate now. The HOA has requested a meeting to discuss our concerns with Dr. Miller, Health System President, and Mr. Denton, but have received no response or acknowledgement of our request.
Patient safety, resident and medical student education, as well as resident wellbeing, are clearly not evidenced in the current plan. The included photo is of the only "labeled" House Officer workspace in the plans - nothing dedicated or secure - open to whomever is in the vicinity.
By November of 2025, most of you will be long gone from Michigan Medicine. However, those medical students you are interviewing for next year's residency spots will be here trying to learn and teach while navigating an environment not conducive to their needs. If you are a resident in:
- Neurosurgery
- Thoracic surgery
- Otolaryngology
- Cardiac surgery
- Orthopedic surgery
- Interventional Radiology
- Anesthesiology
with the current plan, you will share 8 OR workstations with 60+ of your colleges. Additionally, there is no space for additional service lines, and therefore more residents that may end up working in the Pavilion OR's in the future.
The HOA continues to advocate for workspaces and amenities commensurate with those in UH. We will push for design changes in the Pavilion, but it's going to be an uphill battle that the membership needs to be aware of. Of note, the public spaces are top notch!