Hot Union Summer in Full Effect
Unions at Michigan Medicine are wearing each other's colors to show support for one another.
The HOA is just one of many different labor unions representing the workforce here at Michigan Medicine. Many of us find ourselves in the same struggles with the same issues.
In order to recognize and support one another, the hospital's labor unions are engaging in "Hot Union Summer" and designating certain days of the week to wear the union colors of each group here at Michigan Medicine.
Want to show support for other union workers? Here are the details:
Monday: Wear green in support of AFSCME
Tuesday: Wear purple in support of SEIU
Wednesday: Wear red in support of MNA-UMPNC (Nurses)
Thursday: Wear maize in support of UPAMM (The PAs)
Friday: Wear teal in support of UMMAP
Saturday is HOA day! Wear coral (or salmon) in support of other HOA members.