Support UMMAP and SEIU Negotiations on 7/29
Please join us for an informational picket Monday, 7/29 from 6-8AM in support of our sibling unions at Michigan Medicine.
The Union of Michigan Medicine Allied Professionals (UMMAP) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) collectively represent over 6,000 employees here at Michigan Medicine. They are both negotiating their first contracts with the hospital and need help and support in their fight for better wages and working conditions.
In support of their bargaining teams, UMMAP and SEIU will hold an informational picket in front of Taubmann on Monday, 7/29 from 6-8:00am. We urge interested House Officers who are available at that time to show up and participate. Please sign up here if you are able to attend.
This is not a strike, work-stoppage, or walk-out — you must not walk away from your job if you are scheduled to be working.