
Endorsement for UM Board of Regents

The HOA asks its members who vote in Michigan to choose Denise Ilitch and Shauna Ryder-Diggs for UM Regent

On 9/10/24, the HOA Board unanimously endorsed candidates Denise Ilitch and Shauna Ryder-Diggs for the position of UM Regent.

Members of the University of Michigan's Board of Regents are elected by the public. This provides the members of the HOA the ability to "choose our bosses" in a way most employees do not get to experience. The HOA has not done many endorsements in the past, but given the importance of the Regent elections, the Board decided to issue an endorsement this year as there are two candidates who stand out.

Thus, the HOA Board recommends our members vote for:

Denise Ilitch: Denise Ilitch is a current member of the UM Board of Regents. During our 2023 contract negotiations, Regent Ilitch was one of the primary board members responsible for helping us to get our contract and secure some of our largest raises ever for House Officers. 

Shauna Ryder-Diggs: Dr. Ryder-Diggs is a board-certified dermatologist and a graduate of UM Medical School. Dr. Ryder-Diggs did her residency at Michigan Medicine and is a former member of the HOA who supported our efforts to secure a contract during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

The Regent elections are often overlooked, being so far down the ballot. We urge our members to remember to fill out their ballots in full and check the box for candidates Ilitch and Ryder-Diggs.