
Do You Use Michigan Care?

The HOA will be meeting with hospital management as early as 1/29 to discuss the impact of Michigan Care ending on our members. Send us your ideas.

This past fall, the hospital announced that after this plan year the Michigan Care health insurance option would no longer exist. The HOA requested negotiation sessions to discuss the impact this will have on our membership. Currently, roughly 25% of House Officers utilize the Michigan Care plan, with many of them covering dependents and children. 

The hospital and the HOA will tentatively start meeting to discuss the impacts of this decision on our members. In order to ensure we are representing our unit properly, we are issuing this as a call for feedback. We would like to know

  1. If you are enrolled in Michigan Care, what issues if any do you foresee yourself facing as a result of the plan cancellation?
  2. What would you like to see the HOA pursue to alleviate the impact on our members?

Please submit your feedback to the HOA here by Monday, 1/27.