Are there any HOA discounts on services?

A list of all discounts on services offered to House Officers that we are aware of.

AFT Member Benefits

As an affiliate of AFT, all HOA members are entitle to the discounts and benefits offered by AFT. You need to register on their website to take full advantage of these benefits.

When you register you will need your AFT Member ID and the Local Number for the HOA.


All House Officers are employees of the University and have valid M-Cards. There are many discounts available to M-Card holders.  Visit the discount site for more information.

Mcard Discounts

Discounted Financial Planning

Hantz Financial offers discounts to HOA Members on financial services while they are in training. Please see FAQ article 00ACM for more information.

Realtors & Lenders

Some realtors offer discounts for House Officers, and some lenders offer physician loans with favorable terms for residents and fellows. Please see FAQ article 00ABH for a list of realtors and lenders who have contacted the HOA. (Not all realtors on this list offer a discount).