Occasional or Emergency Parking for House Officers
When do you qualify for a P2 parking voucher? When should you use the valet?
10 Dec 2024 at 10:06am
Did you know if you are called in for an emergency, you can valet your car at no cost? Just identify yourself as a physician and a House Officer to the valet attendant, present your M-Card as proof of identification, and indicate which service the consult is related to.
House Officer Parking Coupon
Commonly referred to as a P2 Parking Pass or Voucher, the House Officer Parking Coupon is used for exit out of the P2 lot. Use of P2 and the parking voucher is reserved for those assigned to an off-site location who return to the hospital prior to 4:00 pm and cannot find parking in another lot reasonably close to the hospital. If a House Officer is returning after 4:00 pm, they have access to the staff section of P3.
Please note abuse of either of these programs will put them at risk for all House Officers.
P1 requires a Blue Pass (or above) for entry and exit all hours of the day, seven days a week. It fills to capacity very quickly in the morning.
P2 is the primary patient and visitors lot for the hospital. House Officers should NOT park in this lot except under special circumstances.
1. House Officer Parking Coupon
Commonly referred to as a P2 Parking Pass or Voucher, the House Officer Parking Coupon is used for exit out of the P2 lot. House officers should not park in this lot unless they are assigned to an off-site location and return to the hospital prior to 4:00 pm and cannot find parking in another lot reasonably close to the hospital. If a House Officer is returning after 4:00 pm, they have access to the staff section of P3.
2. Out of Pocket
You are paying for parking out of pocket because you, for example, are coming to the hospital for your own medical appointment.
P3 is a dual purpose lot that permits both patient/visitor parking and staff parking. It is NOT a normal Blue Pass lot. House Officers should NOT park in this lot except under special circumstances.
1. After Hours Parking (Overnight Parking)
All House Officers have access to P3 so long as you enter after 4:00 pm, and exit before 9:00 am.
For example, any House Officer working in the evening or overnight whose shift allows them to enter P3 after 4:00 pm and leave before 9:00 am the next morning. Or you are coming to the hospital in the morning and will be LEAVING BY 9AM -- eg. for rounds or conference before going to an off-site assignment. If you stay past 9:00 am you will not be able to exit the lot, and you may put your parking privileges in jeopardy.
What you may not do, is be parked in P3 between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. For example, you work during the day and arrive at the hospital in the morning before 9:00 am, and you leave after 4:00 pm. Parking and Transportation Services monitors for this behavior, and when caught, your parking privileges will be in jeopardy.
Remember: It is "enter after 4 pm and exit before 9 am" not "enter before 9 am and exit after 4pm."
House officers parking in P3 after hours (between 4:00 pm and 9:00 am), should park in a "Blue Parking Program" spot. If there are not "Blue Parking Program" spots available, park in a patient/visitor spot in P3. For clarification around "COPH" spots, please see the "COPH" section below.
2. 24/7 P3 Access
Parking in P3 during the day requires special 24/7 access assigned by your program.
House officers parking in P3 with 24/7 access, should park in a "Blue Parking Program" spot. If there are not "Blue Parking Program" spots available, park in a patient/visitor spot in P3. For clarification around "COPH" spots, please see the "COPH" section below.
3. Out of Pocket
You took a spitter ticket and are you are paying out of pocket because you, for example, are coming to the hospital for your own medical appointment. You entered into P2 and it was full so you crossed into P3. You should cross back over to P2 when you exit. You should NOT park in a "Blue Parking Program" spot, and instead should park in a patient/visitor spot. When paying out of pocket, take special care to avoid your Blue AVI from being scanned.
P4 (C&W)
P4 (Mott) contains both patient/visitor parking and staff parking. It requires a Blue Pass (or above) for entry and exit all hours of the day, seven days a week. It fills to capacity very quickly in the morning.
P5 (CVC)
P5 (CVC) contains both patient/visitor parking and staff parking. It requires a Gold Pass (or above) for entry and exit all hours of the day, seven days a week. It fills to capacity very quickly in the morning. There is also a very limited number of 24/7 accesses reserved for specific use by certain programs.
The Catherine structure requires a Blue Pass (or above) for entry and exit between the hours of 6:00 am - 6:00 pm. The gates are up during night hours. Catherine is connected to Ann via the bottom level and level 5.
The Ann structure requires a Blue Pass (or above) for entry and exit between the hours of 6:00 am - 6:00 pm. The gates are up during night hours. Ann is connected to Catherine via the bottom level and level 5.
The Glen structure requires a Blue Pass (or above) for entry and exit between the hours of 6:00 am - 6:00 pm. The gates are up during night hours. There is a sky bridge from the Glen structure to an entrance of the Medical School. For clarification around "COPH" spots, please see the "COPH" section below.
Wall St
The Wall St structures require a Blue Pass (or above) from Monday at 6am - Saturday at 1am. Parking is readily available in the Wall St structures.
NC-5 (Ann Arbor VA)
Please be mindful that half of this lot is Blue Permit parking, and the other half is metered visitor parking. You will be ticked if you park in a metered spot and do not pay.
Parking Tool
UM Parking has a tool that can give you real-time information for a few lots on the medical campus, including P1, P4, Catherine, Ann, Glen, and Wall St.
For safety and comfort reasons, in order to avoid House Officers having to walk further than absolutely necessary in the dark or the cold in the early morning or late evening, the HOA has asked that all House Officers be given access to the M-card reader at the entrance to the medical school beneath the Taubman medical library. Any House Officers having difficulty with access should contact their department administration. Contact the HOA if your department is unable to help you with access.
Other Information
For those House Officers whose programs require them to purchase a blue AVI, parking is available in all Blue Lots, P3, and P5, depending on availability and what your program has arranged for you. Please consult your program coordinator or their designee for specific access questions.
COPH (do not park)
House officers (or any other parkers) who have Blue parking permits are NOT allowed to park in COPH spots. The Community Physician Parking program requires a special permit.
The messaging from the University during the parking changes of August/September 2019 was unclear, so there has been some confusion. There are spots in P3 marked with blue signs that read "Blue & COPH Parking Programs," and others marked with red signs that read "COPH." House officers are allowed to park in the former because those spots are dual-purpose (blue permits, and COPH permits). The latter are single-purpose and are for COPH permits only.
Parking spots like those found in the Glen structure only read "COPH," so a blue permit parker is not allowed to use the space. Please do not be confused by the blue color of the sign.
¶179 - The Association and the Employer agree to review all House Officer Parking Programs on a quarterly basis through the Labor-Management Committee (LMC). Under this Agreement, House Officers have three (3) different parking programs in order to meet the unique parking needs related to House Officers' work schedules and rotations, as well as access to the emergency entrance valet, as outlined in paragraph 188. These three (3) programs are referred to as the 24/7 Access Program, the After-Hours Access Program, and Coupon Access Program.
¶180 - 24/7 Access Program. The Employer currently provides designated parking in the form of 24/7 access to the P3 or P5 parking structures, with such access being provided to three hundred eighty-eight (388) eligible Employees at any given time. The parties acknowledge that due to the wide variation in House Officer schedules and the current limitations on how passes to these parking structures are programmed, each month there are a number of passes that go unused for part or all of the month. To promote full utilization of the 24/7 access program, the Employer will provide an additional twenty (20) passes for either the P3 or P5 parking structures. The Employer will periodically monitor the use of the additional passes and will notify the HOA of any concerns. The Employer reserves the right, after consultation with HOA, to retract some or all of these additional 20 passes in the event that more than 388 passes are being used on the same day on a regular and recurring basis. The Employer retains the discretion to determine the location of the 24/7 Access Program, or any portion thereof, within any of the follow structures; P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5. Further, it is understood that this 24/7 access remains available only for Employees who meet certain agreed upon criteria during a given period of time.
¶181 - Programs can request access for qualifying House Officers no more frequently than every two (2) weeks. In order to participate, possession of an annual Blue AVI permit or a monthly Blue parking permit is required.
¶182 - House Officers must park in spaces signed for program use and can only overflow into Visitor Parking when assigned structures become full.
¶183 - House Officers must use the entrance/exit lanes assigned for this parking program.
¶184 - The Employer and the Association shall, through the Labor-Management Committee (LMC), jointly review the allocation of available P3 24-Hour parking access between programs and agree upon any changes to those allocations by May 30 of each year.
¶185 - Individual programs with an allocation of 24-Hour parking shall assign parking based on need. There shall be no year-long assignments and no assignments solely based on seniority or House Officer level. Oversight of the allocations will be monitored and reviewed by Operations and reports provided to the Association and reviewed quarterly at LMC for potential abuse and modification. If allocations are not fully utilized, they will be reallocated by the Association to another program with two weeks' notice. Program Directors, or their designees, are responsible for oversight of this process and final decision-making.
¶186 - After-Hours Access Program. The Employer will provide access to P3 between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and 24 hours on weekends. Logistics, Parking, and Transportation Services staff personnel may program this access onto the House Officer's annual Blue permit or on the House Officer's UMID badge (MCard) if they do not have a Blue permit. House Officers must park in spaces signed for program use at P3 and can only overflow into P3 patient/visitor parking or P2 when P3 becomes full. There is strict oversight of this program. Violators may face disciplinary action and/or lose their access. Employees must use the entrance/exit lanes assigned for this parking program.
¶187 - Coupon Access Program. An Employee who has been assigned to an off-site location and is required to return to the Hospital prior to 4:00 p.m. (given that at 4:00pm they will have access to P3) will not have to pay for parking fees incurred in the Patient/Visitor Parking Structure (P2) during the required return period. This provision is intended for occasional, short-term parking and is not to be used for all-day parking. Exit from the parking structure will require a parking coupon with QR code, available primarily through their individual Program Administrators or the Program Administrator's designees. If the Program Administrator is not available, the parking vouchers will be available at the main entrance desk located on floor 1 of the Taubman Center prior to leaving the parking area.
¶188 - Employees who are called to the Hospital for an emergency consult, whether in the Emergency Department or on a service, may use valet parking at the Emergency Entrance at no expense. Employees must provide the valet attendant with proper identification and indicate which service the consult is related to.
¶189 - All House Officers with a House Officer level of HO6 and above are eligible to purchase a Gold parking permit.
¶190 - The Employer reserves the right to modify this arrangement upon two (2) weeks' notice to the Association; provided, however that no such notice will be given until the Association has had the opportunity to discuss the matter with the University in an effort to solve the problem. While the Employer cannot foresee every reason for modification, modification will not be unreasonably exercised, i.e., will not be exercised without good reason. It is understood that impact on Patient/Visitor parking needs would be reason for modification. In any case, however, abuse of this arrangement shall always be reason for modifying the current arrangement. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, the number of Employees who may be eligible for 24/7 access at any given time shall not be less than the current number of three hundred eighty-eight (388) during the term of this Agreement without prior agreement of the Association.
¶191 - Parking & Transportation Services will communicate changes to parking structures and parking processes to the HOA Board at least two (2) weeks prior to any change. At this point, one (1) parking services contact individual will be identified to communicate with the HOA Board during the transition period, which will begin two (2) weeks before the change and end at a time mutually agreed upon by the HOA Board and the Employer.
¶192 - It is the intent of the Employer to maintain safe and convenient access for Employees from the P1-P5 parking structures into the medical center. The parties acknowledge that changes to access points may be necessary from time to time due to safety and security concerns, construction, or other operational conditions. Changes affecting access points will be communicated to the Association in advance whenever practicable. Concerns about access from the parking structures, will be addressed in Labor Management Committee, and the Employer will provide a response to the concern within fourteen (14) calendar days of the LMC meeting.
The information on this page may be out of date.
A new Collective Bargaining Agreement takes effect on July 1, 2023. This page has not yet been reviewed for compliance with the new CBA.
We are in the process of reviewing all pages on the website.