
HOA Settles Unfair Labor Practice with Michigan Medicine

The HOA and the hospital were able to come to agreement on many of the issues that led to the filing of the ULP.

On January 2, 2024, the HOA filed an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) with the labor board over several areas where we felt Michigan Medicine was not meeting its obligations under the law. As of April 25, 2024 the HOA and Michigan Medicine have resolved most of the issues that led to the ULP favorably. At issue were the following items:

  • The hospital announced that it would be moving the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department entirely to Chelsea, MI. The HOA demanded to bargain for the impacted House Officers to ensure that contractual benefits like mileage reimbursement were protected during the move. The hospital decided to keep the PM&R program housed here and would provide the agreed upon mileage reimbursement to residents who rotate in Chelsea.
  • During our most recent contract negotiations, the hospital agreed to develop a program to ensure proper mental health resources are available for House Officers in the Psychiatry Department. The hospital had not implemented the agreed upon programs nearly 6 months later. After the ULP filing, the hospital met their obligations under the contract.
  • For 10 years, the hospital provided the HOA with regular weekly "start and termination" reports that aided us in knowing how many people were in our bargaining unit. The hospital abruptly stopped providing the information, though they are legally required to provide it when asked. After many talks, the hospital agreed to continue providing the information.

The remaining items were left to the HOA and hospital to possibly address in future negotiations. Also discussed was an Anesthesiology attendance policy. Unfortunately, an arbitrator overseeing that issue ruled in favor of the hospital after a hearing