
Welcome New Residents and Fellows!

Welcome to the University of Michigan. We've got information for incoming house officers.

How much will you get paid?

As of July 1 2025, the base salary for an HO-1 will increase to $74,264 per year. To see what house officers are making at all levels and to see what to expect over the next few years, check out the current salary schedule.

In lieu of retirement matching, you will receive a lump sum in your November payroll equivalent to 10% of your salary.  Watch for more information in "News For House Officers" for setting up a retirement account.

Where will you live?

House? Condo? Apartment? Roommate? Check the HOA Housing website first!

If you are searching for a place to live the HOA runs our own Housing Website. Our site's audience is narrowly directed at Residents and Fellows. We aim to link up exiting and former House Officers with incoming and current ones. If you are not finding what you need there, be sure to check out the Housing Guide put together by Michigan Medicine, or perhaps take a look at the University's Off-campus Housing Website.

There may also be space available in U of M Graduate Housing. Residents and Fellows can inquire on the University's Graduate Housing Website.

Get an Extra $60 a Month

Fill out the Cell Phone Stipend From as soon as you have an opportunity.

So Much More...

You can view the current HOA Contract and explore the rest of this site. If you have any questions, contact us. We look forward to having you as a full member of the UM House Officers Association!